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Code of Conduct

Thanks for your interest in #FTConnect. Please note the below code of conduct for those engaging in this membership platform.  Members not following this code of conduct may be removed from the platform. 


Code of Conduct:

The membership platform has been created for connection, knowledge-sharing, and discussion. This is a space to share thoughts, to pose questions and to help each other. To ensure that forums are a positive online environment, Framework Theatre have developed a code of conduct for the benefit of all users:


  1. Do not post unauthorised personal information (address, phone number, email etc.). Make sure you respect the confidentiality of others and do not disclose any non-public information or personal information without consent.

  2. You are responsible for the content you post. This includes information, text, photos, messages etc. If you didn’t create the content that you post, it is your responsibility to ensure you have the necessary consents.

  3. Respect other users. Set the tone for online conversations by being polite, open and respectful. It is not expected that you will agree with other users at all times but it is expected that you write your comments in a respectful way. Any abusive, offensive or inflammatory posts or any comments which personally attack any individual will not be tolerated and will be removed.


 Posts or other material which is deemed inappropriate by the Moderators will be deleted upon discovery.

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Framework Theatre Company Ltd.

Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation


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